Monday, December 31

Reflections...retrospections and introspections...and perhaps my last post for this blog...

2007 has come and gone...I can't say it went by quickly and it wasn't an uneventful year.

It was definitely better than 2006 (a year I would rather forget)

So many things happened this year (many which I am thankful for)

Let me recap the significant moments/highlights for me for the year 2007...

Jan - Starting this blog & Grace's passing (miss her terribly)

Mar - Working @Tangs (meeting Cameron)

June - Joining & getting mentioned in Sunday Times becoz of this post

Aug - Finding out that Sg blogs get ranked and this blog was no.171 out of 600+ blogs in Singapore! (something must be wrong in their calculations then! lol) (now this blog is unranked!)

Sept - My was a fantastic week! Main highlight was the surprise cake from Jaz and Shan who were in Australia! Thanks!!!

Oct - LASIK! and starting work @Alexandra Hospital!

Nov - My first themed Dinner & Dance (which I did not blog about...nor posted pics...but all i can say rocks!)

Dec - Meeting up with my frenz who are back from Adelaide!

I am thankful for the new frenz (Cameron, Adelyne, the pingsters! etc) I met this year and also for closer relationship I have with the old friends (Nat, Jon, Yvie, Liyan, Christina, etc) tt I already had but weren't so close before.

Saturday, December 29


TODAY is the day my EX gets married (my first GF)

I was pretty cool abt it (since itz been SEVEN years already) initially when I first heard. "Hey, ask u ah...did u know getting MARRIED?" was what a lot of frenz asked me...

WATZ not cool is...well, let me share a bit...then u will understand why I'm not so cool abt the whole thing...

We were together for SIX years (most wld agree that this is a long time compared to a lot of relationships these days)

I had in mind that we would eventually get married.

I had a good NS buddy whom I introduced to her (since I feel she should know my good frenz right?)
Well...what transpired was like a classic movie plot...

Well, you can imagine what happened...

SO...for the past SEVEN years, I always wondered wat i wld do if i ever saw HIM on the streets. Woud I give him a punch? would i get into a huge fight with him?

Guess what? Abt two weeks ago, I heard SHE was getting married. I thot nothing of it. I was ok, and happy for her.

...THEN I saw HIM.

I never knew him to be a christian...


I was pretty much stunnned, i din know how to react

"HEY! you attend this church?" was ALL I cld muster....

I started to get curious abt the wedding, and I found out that BOTH of them are getting married.


At the CHURCH I go to. And I am not invited...


Thursday, December 27

Blessed Birthday Grace for the way you look at me for the only one I see very very extraordinary even more than anyone that you adore...

You would have been 25 this year.

It has been 11 months since the Lord took you away, but I still miss you dear.

Your cheerfulness, liveliness, bubbliness...

Tuesday, December 25

Blessed Christmas and A Blessed New Year Everyone!

JuZ JZin wishes everybodeee a Blessed Christmas and New Year!

May this period be a time of joyous reflections and thanksgiving.

Monday, December 24

Wanna get my own domain/blog-with-my-name-only...Help?

I think it's time I get my own domain...been wanting to for a while.

I've sorta been asking ard but din take notes then. NOW I am really serious abt getting my own domain. So I am penning it down in digital ink.

Anyone wanna tell me how? any tips? I would like to use and so I guess I need a here's the hard part...who and how much shld I spend?
Any advice?

Will greatly appreciate any help!

Wednesday, December 19

Purpose of Worship

Purpose of Worship: Glorifying

Worship is fellowship with God with praise and giving of honour due to Him. This is plain from the Old Testament form of worship.
New Testament fellowship with God is made possible through the offering of Jesus Christ, the true Lamb of God.

Now we meet with God in blessed covenant fellowship as Christ dwells among us through His Spirit.

There are two New Testament words for worship.
The first means "to kiss the hand of" or "to bow down towards" or to pay homage to someone. This is the word used to signify humble adoration. The second main word means "to render honor" or "to pay homage." Both words carry the idea of giving something to God.

In our humanistic society, there is a strong tendency to make our worship services man-centered instead of God-centered. Dr. P.Y. De Jong sounded a warning about this many years ago: "Today we hear voices insisting that worship must meet our needs."

Worship of God must be glorifying to God and edifying. We exalt the Lord in worship and we are spiritually blessed also in the process of adoring and seeking God.

Purpose of Worship: Edifying

When complaints are lodged against the worship service of a church (sometimes legitimately), ninety-nine percent of the time the complaint is, "I didn't get anything out of the service!" How often does the complainer say, "This worship service brought no glory to God!"?

We should begin to think about our worship services by considering "God" and end in same way (Isa 42:8 ). God is great and greatly to be praised: "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."
Because of this principle truth, our view of God will directly affect how we worship in church.

If man exists for the sake of the glory of God rather than that God should exist for the sake of
the happiness of man, worship takes on a new perspective.

Whether or not he receives personal satisfaction and pleasure from the acts of worship is secondary. We do not throw this out as a consideration, but it is subordinated to a higher aim and goal: the glory of our God.

Worship that is glorifying to God will also edify His church. That is the second purpose of worship.

Worship in the church should therefore edify or build up those engaged in it,
not by what may sound good to the ears (the flesh) but by words that impact the heart of man (the spirit).

Source: RPG Online

Monday, December 17

Thank You Dear Frenz

I am a really lazy person and I apologise to those who were affected by this 'disease'

I drafted this post like on the 1st Oct but left it to 'rot' in the 'drafts' folder till now.

Procrastinate no more Jzin!

So here it is...fresh out of the 'drafts' birthday thank you list

Thank you dear friends who remembered and esp those who celebrated with me.

I really enjoyed myself and (almost) forgot how OLD i was.
I was esp touched this year because I did not really expect much greetings, let alone pressies from overseas!

Love u guys!

Thank you...
Yvie, Yellow, Amanda, Kay, Nat, Jeremy, TS Sim, Gao, Paul & Serena, 'Mummy' & 'Aunty', Shuhuai, Fangee, Lydia, Clara, Sara Jean, Angela, Lum, Jason & 'Niece 'Tabz, Cam, Joyce, Sara Sin, Yali, the list goes on, sorry if i did not list down your name here

Thanks esp to sis, yellow, kay, van, charles, jeannie, julia, 'mummy' jaz & 'aunty' shan, Jason & Tabz, Lum & Esther

Ambushed! (a long overdue post...)

Thanks to Veron's recommendation on her blog, I'm beginning to fall in love with this place.

My first visit was on the faithful 7% GST day...first day of the 7% GST...

There are no long queues and the price is reasonable

They make really nice Al dente pastas. Just right!

Recommended: Swedish meatball pasta, Risotto, Slipper Lobster Pasta

Wednesday, December 12

What is our National Treasure?

I am not writing this just for the sake of winning a free pair of tickets to National Treasure 2 (jzin u cheapo!)

But seriously, since Singapore doesn't have much of natural resources and everything else seems to be man-made, I propose that our national treasure is our people. We are the nation, and Singapore is the people. For without which, Singapore is nothing. (I think the NDP2008 committee can rope me in liao LOL)
Publish Post

Tuesday, December 11

A Lazy Post on the Event @Essential Brew

Just came back from Essential Brew and Wala...

I thought the food was wonderful (or maybe I was famished)! I had Lemongrass chicken and also tried some of ah zhou's (Dory with oolong sauce) and jairus' food (mustard chicken?). Very yummy but guess only ah zhou's fish was the healthiest of the lot since the fish wasn't breaded/fried, it looks like it was grilled. The mustard chicken had lots of fat (skin), and the lemongrass chicken which was breaded (in turn absorbed lotsa oil thus making it fatty...) ...opps...sorry...occupational hazard!

I must say the food was wayyy better than the last time we were there.

Only real problem (that really bothered most pple) was that by the time the food was all served, some of us had to eat them cold. :(

The event itself was fun, funny, and frankly a bit overwhelming. I think like some others, I basically kept pretty much to myself and din really talk to many others (already slowly regretting it...).

As of what happened, already as of ard midnight, there are at least 3 posts about the event.

My computer's a bit slower than usual tonight, and so is my little cpu in my brain. So here is my little tinny contribution to what transpired tonight...

Ok...I know my contribution is super small and i realised I had not taken as much pics as I wld like to. So i am imploring the more hardworking ones who were snapping away to be a dear and send along some photos along this way? =)

eujzin [at] yahoo [dot] com

Much appreciated...

-The Lazy Nutritionist

Friday, December 7

Going once...twice...SOLD!

After two years of advertising and countless viewings, we finally managed to get a good price for our apartment!

Come Feb 2008, no more Lakeside MRT for me! no more changing of buses AND mrt trains just to get to town or work.

You guys can't complain tt I live in Boonlaysia no more! LOL

After seven years here, its sayonara Summerdale! ...I am gonna miss u...and the gym, the tennis court, and the pool, and the friendly neighbours...

Sunday, December 2

I Believe

Went to Dreamer's Cafe at MS last night with Yellow, together with my friends, Ju and his wife, Jane.

There were two groups of musicians (they were all good! I so wanted to go karaoke after hearing them!) and one grp sang this song which got stucked in my mind. Thought I share this song with u...the song, super high wan.

btw, last day to click click click on the Nike ad! Click to help a friend (ME!)!