I've Moved!
If you have been coming to this blog and wondering why there's been no updates for eons, it's because I've moved to www.eujzin.com
ranting, raving, venting...
If you have been coming to this blog and wondering why there's been no updates for eons, it's because I've moved to www.eujzin.com
Rambled by
JuZ JZin
11:35 pm
Tags: 2007 in review
Rambled by
JuZ JZin
10:50 am
Tags: broken up, first girlfriend, good friend
L...is for the way you look at me
O...is for the only one I see
V...is very very extraordinary
E...is even more than anyone that you adore...
You would have been 25 this year.
It has been 11 months since the Lord took you away, but I still miss you dear.
Your cheerfulness, liveliness, bubbliness...
Rambled by
JuZ JZin
7:37 pm
Tags: Birthday, Grace Ling Ruiqing
Rambled by
JuZ JZin
12:45 pm
Rambled by
JuZ JZin
2:22 am
Tags: help, hosting, own domain, wordpress.org
Now we meet with God in blessed covenant fellowship as Christ dwells among us through His Spirit.
There are two New Testament words for worship.
The first means "to kiss the hand of" or "to bow down towards" or to pay homage to someone. This is the word used to signify humble adoration. The second main word means "to render honor" or "to pay homage." Both words carry the idea of giving something to God.
In our humanistic society, there is a strong tendency to make our worship services man-centered instead of God-centered. Dr. P.Y. De Jong sounded a warning about this many years ago: "Today we hear voices insisting that worship must meet our needs."
Worship of God must be glorifying to God and edifying. We exalt the Lord in worship and we are spiritually blessed also in the process of adoring and seeking God.
Purpose of Worship: Edifying
When complaints are lodged against the worship service of a church (sometimes legitimately), ninety-nine percent of the time the complaint is, "I didn't get anything out of the service!" How often does the complainer say, "This worship service brought no glory to God!"?
We should begin to think about our worship services by considering "God" and end in same way (Isa 42:8 ). God is great and greatly to be praised: "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."
Because of this principle truth, our view of God will directly affect how we worship in church.
If man exists for the sake of the glory of God rather than that God should exist for the sake of
the happiness of man, worship takes on a new perspective.
Whether or not he receives personal satisfaction and pleasure from the acts of worship is secondary. We do not throw this out as a consideration, but it is subordinated to a higher aim and goal: the glory of our God.
Worship that is glorifying to God will also edify His church. That is the second purpose of worship.
Worship in the church should therefore edify or build up those engaged in it,
not by what may sound good to the ears (the flesh) but by words that impact the heart of man (the spirit).
Source: RPG Online
Rambled by
JuZ JZin
1:43 am
Tags: Purpose of worship